A guided meditation on the notion that we are not alone, created to respond to the pervasive isolation people have been feeling in the Covid-19 pandemic.
Category: Jewish Holidays
Drive Thru Judaism: An Antidote to Quarantined Community
Drive Thru Judaism, a series of poignant experiences that, kept people safely in their cars, while providing poignant Jewish experiences uplifted our quarantined congregation, banishing loneliness and bringing spiritual sustenance to a community in quarantine.
3 Previously Banned Behaviors to Embrace these Home High Holy Days
The new normal of distanced coronavirus kehilla tefillah (communal prayer) offers new ways to enhance your Home High Holy Days. Consider these 3 previously banned behaviors to warm up your worship. They just might enhance your experience. Just please think twice before sharing them with your clergy. They might not be completely kosher.
Secrets of Sukkot
The secrets of the festival of sukkot illuminate life lessons, connect us to nature, provide full body experiences, and are like Dr. Who's Tardis and Superman's Fortress of Solitude.
Don’t Wait: Lessons from My Father-in-Law Murray November
Don't Wait: Lessons from my father-in-law Murray Novembert. (Yom Kippur sermon)
Isaac’s Story in the Akedah: The Two Walked on Together
What are Isaac's thoughts on the Akedah, when his dad almost sacrificed him? A first person perspective about sons and fathers.
Delivering Sufganiot to the Whole Congregation: Why We Do It
Why do we spend a Sunday morning just before Chanukah driving all over the San Fernando and Conejo Valleys delivering boxes of sufganiot to every Congregation Or Ami household?
Chanukah Story: What Happened Historically with the Maccabees
What's the historical story of Chanukah? What really went on back in the time of the Maccabees?
Video: Biennial Havdala with Cantors Doug and Kyle Cotler and Rabbi Kipnes
Cantor Doug Cotler, son Cantor Kyle Cotler and Rabbi Paul Kipnes lead Havdala for 5000+ Reform Jews at the Union for Reform Judaism's Biennial Convention.
Do It in the Sukkah! 70+ Sukkah Activities
What can you do in a sukkah? Choose among 70+ favorite Sukkah-Dwelling activities, courtesy of friends from the JEDLAB and Central Conference of American Rabbis Facebook groups.
Why Celebrate Sukkot with the Etrog, such a Bumpy Fruit?
Why do we celebrate Sukkot with the Etrog, such a bumpy tart fruit? Why not a beautiful smooth fruit, like a tomato or shiny red apple?
Why Celebrate Sukkot with the Etrog, a Bumpy Fruit?
Why do we celebrate Sukkot with the Etrog, such a bumpy tart fruit? Why not a beautiful smooth fruit, like a tomato or shiny red apple?