Adulthood arrives later than when we were kids. When young people take more real responsibility not only for their own lives, but also for those around them, and for their community, country and world, they begin to manifest a level of maturity that evidences approaching adulthood.
Category: Tikkun Olam/Social Justice
Breaking Bread with the Baha’i Community
When Jews and Baha’is sat down to break bread, the similarities were astounding and the discussions delicious.
Upon waking from the Fires: The Sacred Power of “And”
Our hearts hold both the loss of URJ Camp Newman AND care for all those facing harm and devastation.
A Kaddish after Gun Violence: For When Humanity Fails Itself
A Kaddish after Gun Violence: For when Humanity Fails Itself
Addressing Homelessness: One Synagogue’s Journey to Justice
47,000 people are living homeless on the streets of Los Angeles. The Bible mandates we "give shelter to the homeless" (Isaiah58:7). A Reform Jewish congregation with a long history of taking on troublesome social justice issues. Measure H, a ballot measure designed to end homelessness, is endorsed by both democratic and republican leaders.
Why Judaism cannot be anti-abortion
Why Judaism cannot be anti-abortion
At the local Mosque: Sharing Love with our Muslim Neighbors
Holding signs of support, we Jews gathered at the local Muslim mosque as part of an interfaith group of the faithful and other community leaders.
Text To My Children, On the Inauguration
I sent this text to my children, on Inauguration Day - 1/20/17
How to Fix the World: Wisdom from Men’s Night Out
A group of men gathered at Congregation Or Ami's Men's Night Out, and took up Dr. King's challenge. We asked "What are our responsibilities as men to our community, our country and or world?"
Celebrating the Risk of Caring: Childspree
Child spree: They were at-risk youth, searching for something new and not risky, to clothe them and keep them warm.
We were comfortable suburbanites, seeking something meaningful and momentous, to clothe us in compassion and warm us from the chill of indifference.
Mitzvah Day Video – Are you Ready to Volunteer
Volunteering to pack comfort bags on Mitzvah Day for children entering the foster care system is one step on the path to peace. Show up at Congregation Or Ami on November 6th.
Why did we have to stand up so long? (Torah Portion Nitzavim)
Torah commentary on Nitzavim: Why did the people have to stand up so long?
Touro Synagogue, Oldest Jewish Synagogue in United States
The history of Touro Synagogue, the oldest synagogue in the United States, offers lessons about social justice and religious tolerance that resonate even today.
Video written & directed by Seth Front:
“Shalom Rav”
Performed by Nancy Linder:
Music by Jeff Klepper & Dan Freelander
Seder Prep: Invite Prophet Elijah to Visit
When pounding started on the front door, we move quickly toward the door, opening it with caution. In front of us stands “Elijah,” the prophet who one day will announce the Messianic era and the redemption of humankind.
Taking Teens to Washington for L’taken
Guest Blogger Rabbi Julia Weisz reflects on taking 8 teens to Washington DC for the L'taken Social Justice Program, transforming their lives and intensifying Congregation Or Ami's teen program.