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Two by Two: Saving the Children From the Storm of Bullets Raining Down on their Heads

Two by Two: Saving Ourselves
From the Storm of Bullets
Raining Down on our Heads
By Rabbi Paul Kipnes

Two by two
The animals went into Noah’s Ark
Seeking safety from the storm
Two by two.

Two by two
The future was secured
Ensuring that the vulnerable ones
Would have chance to thrive
Two by two.

Lo ta’amod al dahm ray-acha
Don’t stand idly by as your neighbor
Teaches Torah,
Goading us to do for humans,
What Noah and God did for animals,
To save them
Two by two.

We have two days,
Little more,
After a shooting
When we are up in arms,
Over the misinterpreted right to bear arms
Before we throw up our hands in frustration
And return to our self-induced indemnification
And go back to sleep.

So let’s take a page from Noah’s Ark
And save them
Two by two.

two days
Let’s each take
two actions
To save the most vulnerable.

You might:
Join an organization that reflects your views
Send a check to a candidate that reflects your views
Write a letter to your congresspeople that reflects your views
Attend a rally to reflect your views
Make a donation to a group that reflects your views
Write an article to reflect your views
Vote for candidates that reflect your views

And then
Encourage two friends to do two by two

Yes, be like Noah

Don’t stop to pray
(except maybe Kaddish for the dead)
But hurry up
And do your part
Two by two

We only have two days
To protect each other:
Our children, our teens,
Our worshippers, our concert-goers.
Before we go back to sleep

Make your
Two by Two
